New Home Construction Styles, Circa 2017: What’s In, What’s Out — & What Ain’t Coming Back
The Late, (Un)Lamented Split-Level & Rambler Want to know the latest trends in Twin Cities new construction? Check out upper bracket Edina. That’s where the folks who can afford the latest bells & whistles — inside and out — are building the most new construction. Ergo , that’s where to look to see the most — and least — popular new home styles. Of the last 50 new “spec” homes sold in Edina over $1.2 million since 2014, here’s the style scorecard: Two-story: 47 One-story: 3 Split-level: 0 (Note: all homes are single-family/detached; data is from MLS. “Spec” refers to a home built by a developer to sell on the open market, vs. commissioned by an existing client). Finance #101 Why style preferences certainly factor in, my guess is that 2-stories predominate — at least with “spec” homes — because that’s how builders maximize their profit. Which is kinda too bad (at least in IMHO), because splits and one-stories (known as “rambler...