“Congratulations! You’ve Been Pre-Selected for This Offer!”

Meaningless Marketing Mumbo Jumbo: Exhibit A

Somebody has to carry on the George Carlin tradition.

marketingIn that vein . . .  I’m sure he’d scratch his head about the difference between being “pre-selected” (for yet another credit card I don’t need), and just plain, old ordinary “selected.”

Pre-what, exactly?

Is there another group of prospective customers out there that is going to be post-selected??

Just wondering . . .

See also, “Bloomingdale’s Cologne ‘Pre-Sale.’”

P.S.: Want another word that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny?  “Deluxe.”

As in “deluxe Kitchen,” “deluxe vacation,” etc.

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230700 https://ift.tt/3hpbTeF


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