Quick! Which House Costs More?

Silicon Valley vs. Twin Cities Housing Prices

Yeah, Yeah, California has mountains, the ocean, and a (too-nice?**) sunny, mild climate.

But, it’s also got a ton of people, earthquakes, sky-high gas prices, and even crazier housing prices — at least in the heart of Silicon Valley (note: I visited my college sophomore son there recently).

(Unaffordable) Housing

Exhibit A for obscenely high housing prices: the 2 BR/2 Bath home in Palo Alto (pictured at top) that’s listed for $2.488 million.

For that kind of dough, you could buy the palatial Minnetonka estate shown at left — and have almost $200k(!) left over.

Yup: it’s listed for “only” $2.3 million.

Go figure . . . literally. 

**One of my favorites quotes — undoubtedly uttered by a Midwesterner — is, “Everyone should live in California, but leave before they get soft.  And everyone should live in Manhattan, but leave before they get hard.”

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230700 https://ift.tt/35gGWnT


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