“Good Fences Make Good Neighbors” (But More So in the City)

Quick!  Guess where neighbors are likelier to have boundary disputes, typically involving the location of a fence?

In the high-density city, where homes are close(r) to together, or in the relatively wide-open ‘burbs?

Wrong:  it’s the ‘burbs.

At least, that’s according to two different fence contractors I worked with recently, both of whom said that — while disputes are uncommon — they’re more likely to occur where space is relatively abundant, not scarce.

Two Theories

What could account for that?

My hunch:  self-selection.

People who are more comfortable in the denser city have a more relaxed attitude about such things.

Meanwhile, people who gravitate to the ‘burbs value their space — and define it more exactingly.

Theory #2:  it’s easier to get the boundaries wrong on an irregular-shaped .45 acre than on a 40′ x 120’ city lot (less than one-quarter the size).

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230700 https://ift.tt/2VTcmg9


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