What Do You Call People Who Work for Slack?

Ill-Advised(?) Corporate Names — Exhibit A

“Slack files to go public, revealing $400 million in revenue and $139 million in losses.”

–Headline, CNBC.com (4/26/19).

It’s hardly hurt workplace messaging company Slack, on track to go public later this year at a valuation that could approach $20 billion.

But, you’d think the name “Slack” would invite some not-so-flattering nicknames.

Like, I dunno, referring to its employees as “slackers.”

Apparently not . . .

P.S.: I have long had a similar reaction to South Korean auto maker KIA; once upon a time, that acronym was understood to mean “killed in action.”

Meanwhile, when it comes to stock market tickers, the worst one I can recall was the one assigned to restaurant chain Au Bon Pain: “PAIN.”

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230700 http://bit.ly/2PvSJr2


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