“Stomping Grounds” vs. “Stamping Grounds”

Does anyone know the difference?

I’m guessing not, because the two terms seem to be used interchangeably (“Sally went to her college reunion and revisited some of her old stamping/stomping grounds”).

At least to me, the former term evokes a factory assembly line, while the latter suggests lots of bare feet in a big vat crushing grapes the old-fashioned way.

Hey, someone has to keep George Carlin’s legacy alive.

For more in this vein, see “USPS Forever Stamps,” “What’s the Past Tense of Sight See?”;“Landmark — or Watermark?”; “Dried vs. MORE Dried Apricots“; “Wild and Crazy” (vs. Conventional) Fruit; and “What’s the Opposite of ‘Untold Riches?

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230700 http://bit.ly/2GQJb7l


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