Should Homeowners Insure Their Natural Gas Pipes?
Centerpoint Energy “Pipe Protection Plan”
Never mind my almost 17(!) years as a Realtor.
I’ve been a Minnesota homeowner now stretching back over three decades.
During all that time, I’d never been pitched a monthly “(gas) pipe protection plan” — until last week.
Here is Centerpoint Energy’s marketing spiel:
“As your natural gas utility, CenterPoint Energy is responsible for maintaining a safe, reliable natural gas distribution system that serves your home, up to and including the meter that measures your natural gas use. As the homeowner, your responsibility begins from the meter on. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the gas pipes, connectors, and valves that run from the meter to each of your home’s gas appliances. Any damage or breakage may be your responsibility.”
–CenterPoint Energy letter to homeowners.
Optional Coverage
In practice, the most common gas appliances in a home are the forced air furnace, the hot water heater, and the clothes dryer.
While I’ve certainly seen those fail (primarily due to age), I can’t recall an instance where the gas pipes were the culprit.
My advice to area homeowners: save the $3.95 monthly premium.
P.S.: By contrast, I’m a BIG fan of home warranties, which offer much broader coverage including the actual appliances.
See also, “Why Home Warranties Are More Popular With Listing Agents Than Home Sellers“; “Selling Home Warranties . . . to Whom Exactly?“; and “Home Warranty Coverage Confusion.”
from Mix ID 8230700
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