Name That MLS Status: “C-APPRE”

At Least, the “C” is Easy

Even for a veteran Realtor like myself, it’s still possible to be thrown (at least occasionally) by an obscure real estate term.

Case in point:  the MLS status “C-APPRE,” which popped up in the archive history of a Linden Hills home that my Buyer client is interested in.

On a weekday, I’d simply call the MLS Help Desk, or, check with my Office Manager or a colleague.

No such luck today early Saturday morning.

Strategy #2: figure it out based on context.

So, looking at the listing archive, I saw on the next line “RENTD.”


I’m gonna guess that “C-APPRE” stands for “Contingent, (Rental) Application Received” (top line in photo above).

P.S.:  As opposed to my initial thought — “Contingent on the property appreciating (in the future).”

Wouldn’t THAT status be nice?? 🙂

See also, “MN Association of Realtors Legal Hotline! May I Help You??”

from Mix ID 8230700


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