March 5, 2018: “Take Your Child to Work Day” in the Twin Cities (Unofficially)

“Snow Day?”  More Like, “Unlimited Screen Time at Home” Day

No, today isn’t officially, “take your kid to work day” in Minnesota.

But, with an especially icy storm clobbering the Twin Cities the next 24 hours or so, that’s what happens — at least for some parents with small children — when all the local schools close (most families received emails and recorded phone calls overnight).

In truth, given all the absent Realtors today, seeing a couple of cute, well-behaved kids in the office is kinda’ welcome (it goes without saying, none are mine 🙂 ).

P.S.: How bad does the weather have to be for St. Louis Park City Hall to close?

No one knows.

According to Aaron Borken, City Permit Technician, to the best of his knowledge, City Hall has never closed due to weather (I was there earlier this am to check on the status of Truth-in-Housing inspection).

from Mix ID 8230700


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