My Two Rules for Working With Clients

Going on 16(!) years selling residential real estate, I really only have 2 rules for working with clients:

Rule #1: “Don’t do anything to get yourself — or me! — sued.”

Rule #2: “Don’t break Rule #1.”

At least in my case, strictly adhering to those rules has helped keep me out of trouble.

No, not every client can be kept on the “straight and narrow.”**

But, when that’s the case, it’s crucial to (very) quickly part paths, lest you be implicated in their misdeeds — or worse, required to defend them.

Time Sink

As a former attorney, I know full well what a time sink litigation is.

I know, too, that good lawyers can parse every phrase and even preposition (“it depends on what the definition of “is,” is”), endlessly belaboring things — and running up fees.

I’d rather spend my time selling real estate . . .

**The most typical client transgressions:  1) misrepresentation or even fraudulent Seller disclosure; and 2) breach of contract.

from Mix ID 8230700


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