The Various Meanings of “That’s Rich!”

“That’s Rich” may not have the protean meanings of some other phrases, like “Shut Up!!” or “Hot Dog!”

See, “Shut Up!” Has 9 Different Meanings? Shut Up!! (No, YOU Shut Up!)”; and “The Many Guises of ‘Hot Dog.'”

But, it has more definitions than you might initially guess:

One.  Caloric. “That chocolate mousse is rich.”

Two. Hypocritical or ironic — usually qualified with “a bit.”  “Trump crucifying Hillary Clinton on ethical lapses is a bit rich.”

Three. Loaded.  “Sue’s family has money, but nothing like Mary’s.  Now, THAT’S rich.”

Four. Plentiful; abundant:  “The nation’s rich and diverse wildlife.”

Five.  Fertile or productive:  “rich soil”; “rich mineral deposits.”

Six.  A person named “Rich”:  “Hey! That’s Rich sitting near the 30-yard line!”

See also, “Why is Calling Someone a ‘Piece of Work’ an Insult?”“You’re  . . . You’re . . . Such an Almond (Huh??)“; “What’s the Past Tense of Sight See?”; “Landmark — or Watermark?”; “Dried vs. MORE Dried Apricots“; “Wild and Crazy” (vs. Conventional) Fruit; and “What’s the Opposite of ‘Untold Riches?

from Mix ID 8230700


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