“You Mean, You Can Pay for Gas With Cash?!?”

Electric Toothbrushes and Modern Gas Pumps

One of my favorite “Family Circus” cartoons shows the children in the bathroom in their grandparents’ house, holding a manual toothbrush.

The caption:  “Look, Mom! A toothbrush you don’t have to plug in!”

The Kaplan household recently had our own version of that experience, when my 17 year-old son (and now very used car owner) needed to put a few $$$ of gas into his almost-empty tank.

Not being nearby to give him my credit card, I told him to go to the SuperAmerica down the street and put a few bucks in.

His response:  “you can pay with cash?!?”

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230700 http://ift.tt/2vytaL1


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