
Showing posts from December, 2020

Should You Obtain Building Permits When Flipping Houses?

I have done many rehabs in my career as a house flipper, landlord, and even overseeing rehabs for banks as an REO agent. We have worked with many cities and counties pulling permits for remodeling jobs, but when is a permit needed? Depending on the quantity and type of work you do, you may or ... Read more from Mix ID 8230700 via IFTTT

House Flipping 101: The Complete Guide to Fix and Flips

House flipping can be an amazing business and I love it! I have been flipping for almost 20 years now and flipped over 200 houses. I have flipped more than 100 houses in the last five years and I don’t see myself ever stopping! However, it is not easy to fix and flip a house ... Read more from Mix ID 8230700 via IFTTT

How to Make $30,000 a Month Flipping Houses

I have flipped more than 200 houses in my career and while I love flipping, it is not easy! We have flipped 26 houses per year multiple times, and I can truly say that the more houses you flip, the more problems you have. Now, when I say house flipping, I am talking about buying ... Read more from Mix ID 8230700 via IFTTT

Starting Life on the Right Foot with Real Estate: A short story

Mo and Sarah worked very hard to buy a house. They saved money, they took care of their credit, and they took their time finding the right house. They were young and had their whole lives ahead of them but they did not want to waste their youth either. They also knew that the sooner ... Read more from Mix ID 8230700 via IFTTT